September 11, 2023
November 29, 2022
Musings from ten years of great moments and memories…
On realising 8th April marked ten glorious years of joining as company director at Verve, (and enjoying the coincidence of that over the long Easter weekend), my brain started to wade through the back catalogue of the significant moments I’ve enjoyed in that time.
For my ten years, here are 10 of the thoughts that stood out…
In 2013, Medical Marketing within RB UK gave us the opportunity to produce some pharmacy training for Gaviscon Double Action. This was the start of a valued, strong, and still continuing, relationship across RB UK and Global.
Our first big awards win for our Optrex campaign in 2017. What a special feeling, and a very special night that was (we won the same category 6 years in a row).
We started out on Floral Street in Covent Garden. As the business grew, we progressed through two offices on Henrietta Street before moving to Wardour Street in Soho and then on to Old Compton Street – our very happy current home!
I’ve worked with three hugely talented and even more unique CDs in the last 10 years, the cornerstone of a creative agency. A big cap tip to Adam Lach-Szyrma, Stuart Collins and now our current wonder-from-down-under, Campbell Robinson for what they brought to the agency.
If you have a career, and an agency in Health and HCP Marketing then you always covet one of these – winning our first in 2020 with E45 was an ambition realised.
How the team coped during this period was a testament to them all. Not only did the business keep moving forward, but the memories of online quizzes and socials have their own special place in Verve’s happy history.
We did a pitch recently (which we happily won) where we created a map of all the territories our campaigns have appeared. Seeing a world map covered in Verve blue was quite the sense of accomplishment and pride.
From small acorns, we’ve managed to grow the Soho team to 16 members now (plus a vast extended family) and are delighted to be working with a big range of both optical and pharmaceutical clients across just as wide a range of therapies.
Dominic Murdoch founded Verve. Nothing more to say other than…thanks for the vision, the courage and the opportunity!
September 11, 2023
November 29, 2022